Sexual Harassment Committee

Sexual Harassment Committee


It is the duty of the employer or other responsible persons in work places or other institutions to prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide the procedures for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts, of sexual harassment by taking all steps required.

sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as:

  1. Physical contact and advances;
  2. A demand or request for sexual favours;
  3. Sexually colored remarks;
  4. Showing pornography;
  5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature


To promote and maintain a zero tolerance workplace violence


  1. To develop a policy against sexual harassment of women at the Institute.
  2. To evolve a permanent mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender based violence at the Institute.
  3. To ensure the implementation of the policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures.
  4. To uphold the commitment of the Institute to provide an environment free of gender based discrimination.
  5. To create a secure physical and social environment to deter any act of sexual harassment.
  6. To promote a social and psychological environment to raise awareness on sexual harassment in its various forms

Committee Members

S. No. Position Name
1. Chair Person Dr. Sathiyapriya. J
2. Member Dr. Neelam Swarub
3. Member Mr. Paresh Pandey
4. Member Mrs. Chanchala Srivastava
5. Member Mrs. Dolly Nigam
6. Students Representative Ms. Kriti Pandey
7. Students Representative Ms. Sarika Yadav

Signature of Principal